Now, you can perform the AGD bank' s banking services from the palm of your hand, from anywhere, anytime and any mobile devices!
AGD bank mBanking provide you the safer and easier way to :
- Check your account balance
- View your transaction history
- Online payment enquiry
- Get mini statement
- Transfer funds
- Pay bill
- Make mobile top up
- Enquiry the bank products and services
- ATM/ Branch/ExchangeCounter Locator
- Interest/Remittance/Exchange rate Calculation
- View latest exchange rates
- Call center support
- Sending feedbacks and suggestion to bank
- Language: Myanmar/English
- 检查您的帐户余额
- 查看您的交易记录
- 网上支付查询
- 获取迷你声明
- 转账
- 薪酬法案
- 使手机充值
- 查询银行产品和服务
- 自动柜员机/分行/ ExchangeCounter定位器
- 利息/汇款/汇率计算
- 查看最新汇率
- 呼叫中心支持
- 发送反馈和建议,向银行
- 语言:缅甸/英语